A Strong Partnership

As parents and carers you are your child's first and most important teacher. We believe that as a school we work in a partnership to ensure that your child is happy, fulfilled and thriving. 

When your child joins Nursery they will be offered several 'stay and play' sessions which you are invited to attend with them. At these sessions, we will talk to you about how your child is developing and any concerns you might have.

Before starting Reception every child (including those who attend our Nursery) will have a visit at home from the Reception team to introduce themselves, meet your child in an environment where they are comfortable and talk to you about how your child is feeling about starting school. We also offer several 'stay and play' sessions in the Reception classes to ensure all children feel comfortable and happy about starting school. 

We use Tapestry, an online journal tool, to share special learning moments with you throughout the school year and invite parents and carers to share photos, videos and observations from home on this platform too.

These help us to build up a picture of your child at both home and school, and give you an insight into their busy school life! In Reception, weekly newsletters and photos will be shared with you on Tapestry so you have a full picture of the learning we have done in school.

Each half-term we invite you into Nursery or Reception to spend some time with us and your child in the environment, looking at your child's work and allowing them to show you around their favourite spaces and activities. Teachers will be on hand to answer any questions or talk about your child's learning. Each term you are further invited to a parent-teacher meeting where we can talk more in depth about your child's progress and share with you their successes.

Teachers and practitioners are available every day at drop-off and pick-up to pass on messages and updates. If you feel you need to longer chat at any point you can make an appointment with your child's teacher directly or through the school office.