What is ‘Behaviour for Learning’?
Whilst it may look different at different stages of education, ‘behaviour for learning’ develops the key skills that we all need to master to become successful learners. Successful learners have a bank of skills that they are able to call on and use at different times and they are not limited to just one way of doing things.
To be a successful learner, everyone needs to develop key aptitudes that will enable them to access all their learning to the fullest extent.
In Nursery and Reception, we focus on the Characteristics of Effective Learning that are an integral part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. These are:
The Characteristics of Effective Learning describe behaviours children use in order to learn. To learn well, children must approach opportunities with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm. Effective learning must be meaningful to a child, so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations. These abilities and attitudes of strong learners will support them to learn well and make good progress in all the Areas of Learning and Development.
There is more information about the Characteristics of Effective Learning within the EYFS in a short film on the Birth to 5 Matters website.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Whilst there are many skills that need to be developed, at Ladysmith Federation, we have chosen to highlight six that relate to our ethos of Ambition, Adventure and Achievement and build on the EYFS characteristics of effective learning.
Our six key behaviours will develop skills and attitudes to learning that will put us all in good stead for the challenges that we will meet throughout our lives. They build on our growth mind-set ethos and show us all how we can become more confident learners, who always aspire to do our best.
By continually showing all six learning behaviours, we will all become the very best learners that we can be.
Our learning behaviours are:
I want to work hard and do my best.
For anyone to learn well they have to develop an internal desire to complete a task or improve at something. This comes from the belief that the learning is for them and they have a responsibility for their own achievements. It is also about valuing effort and taking the initiative for their own learning.
I keep trying when things are hard.
It is important for learners to understand that you cannot always accomplish things first time. To learn well, we all need to have a positive attitude and be able to keep trying despite things being difficult
I use my imagination to create things and solve problems.
As learners, we need to understand that creativity is not limited to the arts. We can be creative in all subjects by using our imagination to create something or solve problems.
I try new or harder things.
Challenge is about us all questioning and asking “What if…?” and “What shall we try now?” – it is about us all trying new things and testing our abilities through the tasks we choose to undertake.
I can get over setbacks and carry on.
We want to see everyone learning from mistakes. We need to be able to see that having to rethink an aspect of our learning is a way to improve. Resilience is about picking ourselves up after a setback and being able to give it another go.
I can try things and work on my own.
We all need to be able to complete tasks and challenges on our own when necessary. We need to remember that part of being independent is also knowing when and who to ask for help!