The governors, staff and whole Ladysmith community would like to welcome you to our Nursery and Reception classes! At Ladysmith we believe that every child is wonderful and unique, and that learning should be exciting and should open minds, giving children the chance to explore and discover new possibilities.
Our school values of 'Ambition, Adventure and Achievement' underpin all our learning.
Our wonderful Nursery and Reception classes form part of the Infant school, a place dedicated to the learning and development of young children. Our Nursery unit is open plan, light and airy and children have access to a purpose built outside environment where they can explore and play. Our three Reception classes connect together to form one unit, meaning the children benefit from a free-flow environment during their play and can come together in dedicated classes for class learning time. The Reception children have their own outside space where they can explore sand, water, mud and much more!
Our children are happy and safe. They spend their days exploring and playing, as well as talking, singing, problem solving and questioning as they investigate the world around them.
As adults and children play together, the children develop a deep love of learning as well as the confidence and resilience to explore challenges. The children are taught by highly skilled and experienced staff, who care deeply about every child’s learning and development, creating a nurturing environment in which every child thrives.
Our website can only give you a snapshot of what our Nursery and Reception classes are like – we would love for you to come and visit! Call the school office on 01392 271596 to make an appointment for a tour. We can't wait to meet you!