CPTT (Children, Parents, Teachers Together)

The Ladysmith CPTT is the fundraising and events group for the Ladysmith Federation, bringing together the children, parents and teachers from across the whole school.

The Ladysmith CPTT is for everybody in our school community, providing opportunities to connect, share ideas, socialise - and, of course, fundraise.

We raise money for the Infants and Junior schools through our events programme and other activities. This then goes towards fun enrichment activities for the children and other school projects.

If you have any ideas or would like to get involved, please talk to one of the reps from your year or contact cptt@ladysmithfederation.net.

Stay in touch

Email: cptt@ladysmithfederation.net Like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ladysmithschoolsptfa

Search for ‘Ladysmith Federation CPTT’ to join our Facebook group.

CPTT Committee and Class Reps

We have a small CPTT committee of parent volunteers, who work with the schools and parents to organise our fundraising activities and allocate the money raised.

There’s also a team of Class Reps, who spread the word about CPTT activities to other parents, help make our events happen (e.g. by finding volunteers) and attend a termly CPTT meeting to share ideas/feedback.

Being a rep gives you a chance to contribute to the amazing fundraising efforts for our schools, get to know other parents in your class and throughout the school, and gives you the odd freebie at various events through the year.

If you're interested in becoming a class rep or helping out in any way, please email us at cptt@ladysmithfederation.net

CPTT Committee Members

● Chairs: Tarin Adams and Kim Foster

● Treasurer: TBC

● Publicity: Virginia Rubio-Barbero

● Ellie Barnes

● Liz Jacobs

● Naomi Pearson-Tagg

Our fundraising

Our fundraising benefits both schools. The money is used to give the children some fantastic experiences and bring their learning to life.

We always try to split the funds equally across the Infants and Juniors. Our aim is to support fun enrichment activities for the children, as well as other projects in line with the schools' own priorities.

CPTT events

We love seeing so many parents and children enjoying themselves at our events, which form the major part of our fundraising.

We hold two big events each year: our fabulous fireworks event and our feel good Colour Run and Summer Fair. Both are really popular, bringing our school and wider community together.

Colour run 1Colour run 2Colour run 3Colour run 4

In addition, we hold a couple of Pop Up Cafés throughout the year with cakes, coffee, crafts and the opportunity to socialise after school.

Past events have also included a Spring trail, performances from Theatre Alibi, an outdoor cinema festival and a magic evening. We’re always open to suggestions!

We also organise various other fundraising activities, such as our second hand uniform shop.

Fireworks 6Fireworks 3

What does our fundraising support?

The money raised by the Ladysmith CPTT is given to the schools to provide enrichment activities for the children and improve the school environment.

Over the years, this has included school trips, such as trips to the theatre, World of Country Life, Clip n’ Climb, Stonehenge and Cathedral tours. It has also included chicks at nursery and visits from artists, authors, animal encounters, drama companies and even a Space Dome, linking with the topics the children are doing at school.

Funds may also be used for specific projects. Examples of past projects include:

● Helping the current Ladysmith Livestock project get started, with the introduction of two pygmy goats at the school, Brussel and Sprout - and contributing to essential care for the goats and chickens, ensuring they stay happy and healthy

● Helping HOP get started, by contributing to the pilot programme at Juniors

● Contributing to new books at the Infant’s library

● Contributing to CCTV and couches at Juniors

● Creating opportunities for outdoor play and learning at the Infant school, through the OPAL programme

● Developing a welcoming space for those who need it with a new Thrive room at the Junior school

● Improving the outdoor environment at the Junior school with the addition of the slide and by providing support to the parent-led GROW project