As a Federation we have worked closely to develop our Vision for Every Child. All of our children are equal and yet unique, with their own special talents and needs. This vision is our commitment to do the very best for all of the children and families who are part of Ladysmith.
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a crucial step in children’s early development and learning and we recognise this through our ambitious curriculum.
At Ladysmith we want all children to become life-long learners, independent thinkers and confident communicators, and we are committed to providing the opportunities for every child to grow and flourish from the start of their time with us.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage seeks to provide:
The four guiding EYFS principles shape practice in our early year’s settings:
It is our intention that our curriculum provides the basis for learning and development but that, following best practice, class teachers adapt to and reflect the individual and collective interests, passions and needs of the children in their class so that learning is a challenging and enjoyable experience for all.
Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. Teachers will stimulate children’s interests, responding to each child’s emerging needs and guiding their development through warm, positive interactions coupled with secure routines for play and learning. As children grow older and move into the Reception year, there will be a greater focus on teaching the essential skills and knowledge in the Specific Areas of Learning. This will help children to prepare for Year 1 and beyond.[1] We know that young children learn best through play and so ensure they have extended periods of independent play in our provision, supporting them to practise and build on adult-led learning as well as their own fascinations.
The foundation for our curriculum and the learning experience will be rooted in the Prime Areas of the EYFS Framework: Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. The four Specific Areas - Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design - will build on these firm foundations and ensure that children are ready for the depth and breadth of our Key Stage 1 curriculum. Each of these areas follow an educational programme which involves a breadth of activities and experiences for children, as set out under each of the areas of learning in the Statutory framework for EYFS 2021.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We teach all children to read using the Read Write Inc phonics programme from the start of Reception and, where appropriate, in Nursery. All children are taught in groups which match their reading level and make rapid progress. Those in the lowest 20% are quickly identified and small group or 1:1 tutoring is put in place. As well as ensuring that every child becomes a reader, we work hard to instil a love of reading. Children are read to throughout the day individually, in small groups and as a whole class. We provide books and reading opportunities throughout our learning environment and children in Nursery choose and bring home a book from their library weekly, whilst in Reception children visit the school library weekly from the start of school, bringing home a reading for pleasure book alongside their decodable text (when they are ready for this).
We strongly value our place in our community and our partnerships with parents and carers. Parents are invited into school at regular opportunities to learn more about how we teach and to join in with aspects of the learning day. Using Tapestry, we share information on what children have learnt and how best to support this learning at home. We celebrate the diversity of our community through learning about and sharing festivals and inviting speakers in to talk about their culture and beliefs. We know that children cannot be what they cannot see and so ensure that our curriculum and resources reflect the diversity of modern Britain. We offer children opportunities to engage in cultural visits such as to local museums and theatres, and to understand Ladysmith’s place in the wider world through visits to our local park, the beach and moor. Children are taught from the very beginning to value and celebrate the rich tapestry of our community, country and wider world and to be aspirational about their own futures.
[1] taken from The Statutory Framework for EYFS 2021, 1.14